Here's to a day that's taught me many things.
Here's to day that made realize many things.
Here's to the friends who make you feel good about yourself, who fill you with inspiration, motivation and a solid dose of advice that makes you look at things in a different perspective.
Here's to the friends who want you to do well, who will lend a hand and make sure you avoid the pitfalls.
Here's to that rare set of friends who will be there for you no matter how far they are, who will have faith in you and who will believe in you in those times when you doubt yourself.
Here's to the friend who takes the time off and convinces you that you are no less than anybody else.
Here's my thank you to you. (Because I'm pretty sure you won't be seeing this. ;) )
Wish there were more such people!
Lately, it had occurred to me that I am probably not extremely competitive. I would describe myself as moderately competitive. No the cut-throat, obsessed kind. My driving factor has most often been the urge to do well and not the desire to be No.1. Yes, it might seem strange, but what I mean is, I do it out my interest, not out of the desire to beat X/Y/Z and get to the top. But I'd been pondering if this was the right attitude because when I see X/Y/Z, it is this competitive spirit that enables them to get to the top.
But the truth is, this is irrelevant. The goal has nothing to do with X/Y/Z. In medicine, the ultimate nightmare is having a patient in front of you and being unable to diagnose/treat them appropriately. Watching the patient suffer while you fumble and falter with your concepts is the most horrifying idea. It's THIS imagery that should prompt any medico to give their 100% and work towards excellence. Yes, it's important to know where you stand relatively because in today's world, you are judged based on how you're better than the one beside you. But that isn't the sole criterion. The most important factor is to keep the Ultimate Nightmare in mind and study so that you will not fail in alleviating the suffering of the patient.
Here's to day that made realize many things.
Here's to the friends who make you feel good about yourself, who fill you with inspiration, motivation and a solid dose of advice that makes you look at things in a different perspective.
Here's to the friends who want you to do well, who will lend a hand and make sure you avoid the pitfalls.
Here's to that rare set of friends who will be there for you no matter how far they are, who will have faith in you and who will believe in you in those times when you doubt yourself.
Here's to the friend who takes the time off and convinces you that you are no less than anybody else.
Here's my thank you to you. (Because I'm pretty sure you won't be seeing this. ;) )
Wish there were more such people!
Lately, it had occurred to me that I am probably not extremely competitive. I would describe myself as moderately competitive. No the cut-throat, obsessed kind. My driving factor has most often been the urge to do well and not the desire to be No.1. Yes, it might seem strange, but what I mean is, I do it out my interest, not out of the desire to beat X/Y/Z and get to the top. But I'd been pondering if this was the right attitude because when I see X/Y/Z, it is this competitive spirit that enables them to get to the top.
But the truth is, this is irrelevant. The goal has nothing to do with X/Y/Z. In medicine, the ultimate nightmare is having a patient in front of you and being unable to diagnose/treat them appropriately. Watching the patient suffer while you fumble and falter with your concepts is the most horrifying idea. It's THIS imagery that should prompt any medico to give their 100% and work towards excellence. Yes, it's important to know where you stand relatively because in today's world, you are judged based on how you're better than the one beside you. But that isn't the sole criterion. The most important factor is to keep the Ultimate Nightmare in mind and study so that you will not fail in alleviating the suffering of the patient.
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