Complicated but loving every minute of it....
3rd March...
Everything else is also too complicated...I've got AC in my room...It's great..I love it..Nowadays feeling totally upset....I wear a Bindi because I want to.I'm proud of it's significance and that's why I wear it..Not to make sure others can see it too...Seriously!How does the size matter..So started bad...Bio-kannu and 2 periods of Q.E then that idiotic SUPW teacher came to sanskrit class...A1 boys are SO stupid...LAME....I honestly dunno how I survived 40 minutes listening to that Supw teacher....
Lunch was "bleargh..".Then we had physics Test in Lunch Break...Ooops..4th was Eng Lang..GB came ,was in a jovial mood spoke about ripped jeans and future pilots opting for that career because of air hostesses..(hmmmm..VB?)..She seemed impressed by her own jokes...She asked me why was I so silent...She has heard a lot about me it seems...I'm sorry ma'm I'm gonna be the way I am ...
Then we had geog free-Baagal Kot was absent ..I was bored...Everybody else was doing something or the other with "somebody or the other"...I'm bored of my bench..Sums and Deeps are great friends and Syko has been living upto her name leaving me confused and lonely and irritated and desolated and AGITATED...Ok I called Geog teach a nutcase on FB..and she read it so did Vishaka..But that's what I think..She IS foolish and for heaven's sake she's NOT funny...I can't stand it when people are giggling like hell behind me while I sit silently;my brain pounding with frustration ;on the most lacklustre bench in 10A2..Oh and btw we had our assembly today...I hate Syko for spoling my chance sto say the pledge...J!
What's irritating me is that Syko's creating a bond b/w the first bench ppl and ME...
Just coz I sit there doesn't make me a part of their gang...Like "Me and Bugchi"??I hate her...I dunno why....
People are strange...It's hard to cope up with the maddening changes in the way they behave with you..And Dhru got many complaints Today....(can't mention:confidential...)
I dunno but I think it's true when people say(Actually only one person!')I've become hard-hearted..
It's not that I'm cruel or something..Maybe I can't really truly love anybody because I think somewhere I 've lost it...I'm finding it difficult to understand itmyself..But it's true..perhaphs after what happened on 23rd September 2008...I do like I lot of people I have friends and all...But the concept of "love" is strange to me...I find it difficult to...Maybe it's just too many things kept suppressed within my cerebellum...
Now that I've started I might as well get a few things cleared up within myself..I wish to be more free..Flexible..Open...Broad minded..
These are the things I already am but I'm not able to express it...As an individual I want to lead my life the way I want ..and it is going to be that way sooner or later..I isn't rebellion it's a demand for broad minded attitude towards everything in life...
I kind of feel sad for Divya...There's just TOO much pressure on her to grow up fast ,become like me(now everyone wants her to be like me but nobody appreciates me as an individual:))And its just not right...They should just leave her to grow up on her own.Stop overprotecting her and grow and become a different individual; not a failed clone of me...
Are Syko and me really good friends??I dunno how other "Best friends" are so I can't say much...But if we are not as close as we were I blame myself...We are friends but we sit apart,never sit together during break,hardly speak during Sanksrit and speak a bit on the way to the bus stop...It isn't the kiind of friendsship where I know everything about you and the same applies to you...It's strange ..we have many differences varied preferences and we're just not "like peas in a pod"..
So it's nearly 11Pm and I better sleep coz I've gotto get up early and revise Bio and Physics for the tests tomorrow..I guess I'm better after blogging a bit...N I don't think I can complete the Wayanad Blog...
Gonna test BioSleep...
---~*Jayashree HD Rao*~---

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Nice day...Dunno why,,,
It surprises me that though I have work piled up,yet I say it was a nice day.It brought back old memories,the old times and it was hilarious as well!
C ma'm came late for the special class and he lesson was interesting though she continued for a long time.
She let us free for Maths(Ma'm had gone to the Saraswati Puja )It was from then that Deeps and I chatted...
It was great ;thinking about the old cherished memories when life had no goal()..Several long hours were spent in gazing at the clouds and guessing their shapes..
I would joblessly amble up and down roads plucking flowers or speaking to random people on the road.My biggest hobby was studying people..Very interesting ,human Psychology is...
Deepthi is like me in many ways ;both love everything related to English and both have younger sisters.Also both of us have several similar views on various issues...Today was great..I know she liked it too..Though Sumana was like "talk to others too",It's just that they'll laugh at us...
We revisited those old "Barbie days"....I now there are people who thing it's girly n being a sissy.I don't care a damn- losers..I like what I like n Nobody can change that..
Yeah,as a kid I loved those dolls and I loved the additional sets you got along with them..It was nice to recollect something you will never get back in you life but will always remain in your heart..
Just like every boy has played with Hot wheels ,I have also loved dolls and dressing them up..
Deeps and I have a lot in common in this aspect..
Ok Ma's calling me 4 dinner...I gtg...Bu lemme finish first..
I can't forget the blunder I made while speaking of dolls(I can't tell what it is but all I can say is Evribody saw the three of us laughing with tears in our eyes @ my crazy mistake!!!)
Then lunch with Syko was nice and Physics was also good though it was 2 periods.. Computer as usual she came and said something to me...PT was kay coz I hate Throwball but I liked it for the Jokes and for the fact that I was the slowest when everybody rushed up the stairs...
next what happened...Is watery and i dont want to elaborate...
Sall for today!!!
LOADS OF WORK 2 DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C ma'm came late for the special class and he lesson was interesting though she continued for a long time.
She let us free for Maths(Ma'm had gone to the Saraswati Puja )It was from then that Deeps and I chatted...
It was great ;thinking about the old cherished memories when life had no goal()..Several long hours were spent in gazing at the clouds and guessing their shapes..
I would joblessly amble up and down roads plucking flowers or speaking to random people on the road.My biggest hobby was studying people..Very interesting ,human Psychology is...
Deepthi is like me in many ways ;both love everything related to English and both have younger sisters.Also both of us have several similar views on various issues...Today was great..I know she liked it too..Though Sumana was like "talk to others too",It's just that they'll laugh at us...
We revisited those old "Barbie days"....I now there are people who thing it's girly n being a sissy.I don't care a damn- losers..I like what I like n Nobody can change that..
Yeah,as a kid I loved those dolls and I loved the additional sets you got along with them..It was nice to recollect something you will never get back in you life but will always remain in your heart..
Just like every boy has played with Hot wheels ,I have also loved dolls and dressing them up..
Deeps and I have a lot in common in this aspect..
Ok Ma's calling me 4 dinner...I gtg...Bu lemme finish first..
I can't forget the blunder I made while speaking of dolls(I can't tell what it is but all I can say is Evribody saw the three of us laughing with tears in our eyes @ my crazy mistake!!!)
Then lunch with Syko was nice and Physics was also good though it was 2 periods.. Computer as usual she came and said something to me...PT was kay coz I hate Throwball but I liked it for the Jokes and for the fact that I was the slowest when everybody rushed up the stairs...
next what happened...Is watery and i dont want to elaborate...
Sall for today!!!
LOADS OF WORK 2 DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jayashree Satish Rao
9:08 PM
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