

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Rediscovering, restarting, re-emerging.

 It's been so long since I did this, I'm not even sure if I know how to do this anymore. But maybe I can give it a try, for old times' sake.

So I somehow finished my postgraduation in Pediatrics. I say somehow, because I feel PG is just one step in the direction of Pediatrics. There's so much more to be learnt, along the way. It's a constant effort and one needs to keep at it to be updated as well as to keep recollect what we have read. There's also some difference between how things are done in different setups. Govt Vs Corporate Vs semi-private/community hospitals. Not that the essentials change, but the finer details probably. I'm reminded of how my professors at MMC would say how we would learn how things work once we go "out there".

It’s also been a learning experience for so many other reasons. Learning to live in a different town, trying to understand two different languages (whilst questioning yourself why your Kannada is not sufficient), learning to co-habit with another individual, understanding their way of life while also retaining the way you do things usually, and of course learning to share responsibilities, preparing healthy, wholesome meals (when possible), learning to live away from “home” and trying to build your own home in a different land and of course, learning to try and be there for your family despite the distance. I think the last bit is the hardest. But I’m trying.

Thankfully, the work environment is positive and encouraging, my senior colleagues are accommodative and supportive. I also enjoy being involved in the day to day Pediatric care and watching kids get better and go home. :)

Apart from the usual activities of cooking up interesting meals and taking walks in and around campus, I also dabble in art. It’s quite therapeutic to indulge in something that comes so naturally to me and I enjoy it for the process; if not for the outcome. 

On the reading front, I haven’t been reading a lot to be honest. I’ve got a nice shelf with a couple of books lined up but I think I’m mostly exhausted at the end of the day so I drift off to sleep before I make much progress. I’ve now started “Before the coffee gets cold” and let’s see how that goes.

Leaving you with a few images from in and around where I live. 

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