

Sunday, January 24, 2010

9th Standard....Through the Year

Every year brings forth new opportunities and is a totally different experience..
The holidays were great with Base and a camp with Rachana in Coorg and another in Kodaikanal.

School started with Chandana mam as the class teacher and things were a change to me.It was nice and we were lucky to have got chandana ma'm but it was hard to adapt to.With Practicals in Chemistry, Physics, Biology,Project drafts and their final submissions,Weekly Bio and Chem tests and Base classes and their tests,Things were getting hectic..

But I was'nt feeling hectic(atleast in June and July I wasn't)..I thought maybe like 8th standard ,I can study in the end and balance fun and studies....How wrong I was!!then came the Base tests and followed by this were the school tests.In all the Unit tests in school, my performance was bad it unlike my marks in 8th..
But i thought,this is a unit test,I'll do better in the school tests..However it wasn't so and consequently my performance was below my capability had I put in enough effort...So I decided to get serious and study...
Meanwhile Base ,I wasn't in the top 150 in the first test and I really did'nt put in enough effort for the next volumes...Which was a pity..
Talent's Day(I actually Danced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and Quiz-2nd-lost narrowly to Blue), was great but not as good as last year,It was more like a highly disciplined cultural event with no one to have fun-Unlike last year..

All this while Divya was slowly learning things..Just like how I used to struggle to understand the complex language called sanskrit,Divya to was learning things, right from sitting,walking,running (before she had even mastered walking!)..It was great fun to watch her grow...Maybe distracting but I was working hard this time..Exams came and went and I thought I had well except for ...This was followed by hols...

After school,what I was dreading was true..My worst dream was now a reality,for days I struggled to come to terms with my failure and called myself one...Base tests were there,but I knew I had'nt done well...Sanskrit spoilt all my hardwork..If I had got passing marks in Sanskrit I would have touched 80%...Now when I look back ,there's no point in saying I "would have got 80", all I got was 77 and there 's no excuse to that...

Anbu's 1'st B'day was great!!!!I was really happy for her and she looked great that day!I'm proud to have a sis no matter how much the age difference is...

With a LOT of help from Pa and the Tuition teacher I began to work hard in Sanskrit...It was hard but I wanted to do well in it,I wanted to prove to myself and to others that I'm not a failure...and I was working on Base as well..

School day came and went with me compering in Kannada(Unbelievable!)..Then I participated in an Inter-School Essay writing Competition and got the 3rd prize..

Dec test was again a bad one since I spent most of my time on Sanskrit and got a mere 28 (But Dad says that's improvement from where I was.)so my % was 73...A bigger lesson which I learnt was that NEVER TRUST YOUR FRIENDS FOR ACADEMIC ISSUES..I mean in that aspect everybody lies ...But that doesn't mean they haven't studied,It just misleads you....And I was mislead....Silly reason but that was it....

Holidays were mostly spent in studying or thinking about the fact that I'm spending my holidays studying...I saw Paa and 3 Idiots in the holidays ,both were good movies.....
Then the Final Exams began, I had prepared ( not 100%,around75%)....I was nervous...It all went well until History when I was feeling totally down for 2 reasons;a)-too much to study and b)(Now it's silly)Why am I doing this?? I was totally upset for no particular reason and this affected me badly for my preparation in Sanskrit ..That day was bad and without Dad's help I would'nt have been able to make it to School...That day will remain in my memory(for Dad's help and for my silly behaviour!!) for ever....Soon exams over ,worked hard for Base and now even that's over...I know my marks as well...I think my marks is like my first Base test...So no comments about the marks since I also want to know my ranking...But there was effort (Sincere) unlike the previous one..

So I've come to the end of the year's account..Seriously, It's more like an account of my academic performance!!!But I've learnt more than Bio and Chem this year..Yeah, Bio taught me that the heart is made of auricles and venrticles ,but not that it contains feelings and it's hard to understand the varying moods of people...Then there's friendship which I'm always learning about;trying to understand my friends....And Anbu who forms an integral part But there's one thing for certain,I'm not going to cite any proof for it,It's that I think I've improved as a person over the year..(Maybe not in marks (compared to 8th),but that's not my criteria.....I still am a long way away from being a real good human ,but i believe it's a start from where I was...

So that's all for now I guess..No one thing left...1 person has tried to help me a LOT in all my struggles and that's my Dad...Thanks Dad!!(I'M NOT SAYING THIS JUST BECAUSE UR GOING 2 READ THIS..It's been in my brain for quite some time maybe since 1st Jan)...

*~~Jayashree S Rao~~*

1 comment:

  1. Its all ovur now!!!!!I'm so happy.....It's all kay...:)I love 10th..(na!)

