

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

And Life Goes On...(2)

The purpose of this post is simple
  1. No matter, how terrible life is, no matter what your problem is, no matter how devastating things have turned, after a point, you cease to wallow in self pity but tend to look at it with a philosophical angle. And those dark moments actually enlighten you about the true nature of many a soul. And those who help you cross the Slough of Despondency are the ones you should be thankful to have met. 22 days on, I'm thankful for the friends I have (left). Yes, I had a particularly good day today, (I FINALLY managed to insult a deserving soul. Haha. Hippopotamus Amphibius much. :D )
  2. Sometimes, you get shattered. Let me give an example. Imagine you were a friend of Gandhi with an affinity towards alcohol. Now, Gandhi, being a teetotaler, would somehow managed to convince you to quit drinking, and with great effort, you give up the forbidden drink. Now, what would you feel if, one day, you gave Gandhi a surprise visit and find him having a glass of wine??


  1. Its funny how the only recent blogs of yours that i was able to comprehend were Dreams From Another World and Cell.

  2. Dreams from another world is a cherished story of mine. (Typed at 4:30AM):D and well, Cell was just another post..

  3. HI Akshata! (This is in response to your sms) I do remember you :) However, I'm not in possession of my mobile phone. Pleased to hear from you. Hope you're fine..

  4. hi! I'm following your blog publicly! you're more intense than I thought.Love your posts!

  5. :D Thanks! Happy Birthday Again! *Hugs* :P

