

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Nocturnal Notes.

Back again rather early, am I? Pardon me but I wish to rant and rant I shall because what greater purpose does my blog serve?

Preparations for College Day is progressing well and the excitement is in the air despite a number of students trickling out of the campus owing to the extended weekend. Lighting arrangements are being made and one is reminded of our enthusiasm last year at seeing the decked up college lit up in the darkness. 

Sometimes you let go of your ego and try to build bridges but in the bargain you end up burning another set of bridges. Ultimately the key rests within us, the key to our happiness. We choose what we get affected by. You could say a zillion things and they can bounce away without leaving the tiniest dent. Or the smallest of carefully phrased remarks could leave a scar whose pain sears deep within. It's all in the mind. (Invictus ;) )

Nevertheless, it is important to remember that there will always be naysayers, critics and negativity. Look at the better aspects, accept them, improvise and eliminate the bullshit. Like I've said on earlier occasions, nobody can rob you of your happiness. It doesn't mean you surround yourself with sycophants, it means that you let your conscience decide. At such junctures, it is essential to remember that there are bigger and better things to deal with and it is better to focus the limited neuronal capacity that we've been allotted with on such aspects.

I realized that I've actually grown as an individual and it doesn't bother about what people assume about me. Of course, I haven't developed complete immunity but I guess I've got a strong vaccine against it for now. I can laugh it off because I've realized that it is virtually impossible to convince anybody of anything so I might as well stop trying and just continue with my work. You will begin to feel less hurt when you tie your happiness to goals rather than to people.

In the past 12 hours, I've watched a marathon session of movies that are each beyond comparison.

  • The Imitation Game
  • A Beautiful Mind (A tearful watch. A definite must-watch.)
  • Lincoln (2012) [in parts]
Currently reading:
  • The Writerly Life by RK Narayan
It's about time I restart reading the following books:
  • Robbins
  • KDT
  • Ananthnarayan
  • KSN
Ah, the bliss of the nocturnal rambler.

Bonded by a common goal, they were entwined as a single soul

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