

Friday, December 10, 2010


24 chaps and I'm done with some. 
I'm feeling progressively sleepier with each chappu! (I make  it sound Cute. Not)
Kala is hated by none other than the CalmOne. And that makes it ironic.
It is essential that one understands that everybody else is only human after all.( I mean Everybody else)
It is rather wrong to put somebody (rather anybody) on a pedestal and expect them to play God. We  all are  homo sapiens and have flaws. Accepting People as they are is the key to peace of mind I think.

Read this:

Scientists recreate the Brain

BIRMINGHAM: Researchers have developed an artificial bit of human brain to help them study Alzheimer's and other diseases, a huge improvement over animal models.
Mike Coleman and his team from Aston University, Birmingham, have developed artificial brain tissue that responds to some chemicals like human brains do. Their findings were presented at the British Festival of Science in Birmingham.
According to Coleman, the new tissue is better than using dead brain cells from taken humans or lab rats. "One is dead and the other is different," he explained. "It's better to have a human-sourced platform that's alive."
How to make a brain
Earlier studies had only used one type of human brain cells - neurons. But neurons are just one component of a brain. For every one neuron, there are approximately seven 'astrocytes' - star like cells that provide nutrients to brain tissue.
Coleman's brain tissue is a culture of both neurons and astrocytes.
"Testing neurons on their own is like testing the performance of a Formula One driver without his support team," he said.
The cells, originally from a tumour, were 'reprogrammed' to stop multiplying. They then turned into neurons and astrocytes, which clump into balls of cells that can process information on a basic level.
Animal models do not mimic humans
"It forms networks where it communicates within itself and it also responds to chemical, mechanical and electrical 'questions'."
"This is what human brain tissue does," he added, making them an ideal platform to perform experiments that can't be done on real living human brains.
Kuldip Sidhu, director of the Stem Cell Lab at the University of New South Wales who was not involved in the research, agrees that co-cultures are the way forwards. "Animal models used to study human diseases do not mimic the true human physiology."
Being used to study Alzheimer's
Coleman hopes that their new model will help further research into many neurodegenerative diseases. Eric Hill, a member of the University's School of Life & Health Sciences has already started using the culture to look at the effects of Alzheimer's.
"Because the cells grow for such a long time we can see how the cells age and whether they naturally degenerate," Hill said.
"We can vary the conditions cells grow up in to see if this has an effect. Ultimately, we plan to insert genes we know are involved in Alzheimer's into the cells and see how the cells develop and communicate with each other," he said.

 Wow! And astrocytes are Glial Cells if I'm not wrong. 
"How to Make a Brain" sounds like a recipe (Ex. How to make Sweet corn Veg Soup!)
Apparently most researches in neurology concentrate on Autism or Alzheimer or some such disease (I can't blame them, it has become a common problem I suppose....)

Common cold erodes memory

Central nervous system infections such as the common cold could be linked to memory loss late in life, according to a new study.
"Our study suggests that virus-induced memory loss could accumulate over the lifetime of an individual and eventually lead to clinical cognitive memory deficits," said Charles Howe, a Mayo Clinic neuroscientist and an author of the study, which is published in the international journal Neurobiology of Disease.
The family of viruses known as picornaviruses are the most common infectious agents in humans, infecting more than one billion people worldwide each year.
Most people have two to three infections a year caused by enteroviruses (associated with respiratory and gastro-intestinal ailments) or rhinoviruses (associated with the common cold). Picornaviruses also cause encephalitis, meningitis, polio and hepatitis A.
Scientists at the Mayo Clinic studied the link between picornaviruses and memory loss by infecting mice and observing their spatial memory as they navigated a maze.
"The degree of memory impairment, which ranged from no discernible damage to complete devastation, was directly correlated to the number of dead brain cells in the hippocampus of the mouse's brain," according to the researchers.
"The degree of brain damage in humans infected with a picornavirus infection is not known, but the evidence from the mouse study suggests this is an area of research that should be explored further," they said.
Among children infected with enterovirus 71 in Asia, the virus has been seen to attack the brain, leading to conditions from lethargy to coma, said the researchers.
"Our findings suggest that picornavirus infections throughout the lifetime of an individual may chip away at the cognitive reserve, increasing the likelihood of detectable cognitive impairment as the individual ages," the authors wrote.
"We hypothesize that mild memory and cognitive impairments of unknown etiology may, in fact, be due to accumulative loss of hippocampus function caused by repeated infection with common and widespread neurovirulent picornaviruses."

Omg! Who knew? Btw I found something even better, I'll put it up next time....
I guess I gotto go back to EVE.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Adieu,You Baboon

Blogging when there's less than 2 hours for your English preparatory isn't always the best option, Is it?

I wanted to title this as "A Day In the Life of AV( I mean: Short and Sleep Deprived)

I don't wish to reveal who it is. A leetle bit of suspense won't kill anyone.Yesterday my eyes were red and bright( Dad asked me if I had been crying(LOL) but no, twas the effect of reading a highly inspiring journal of a certain Caffeine addicted person ( Or I guess it was because I was staring at a black background with white font for a LONG time.))

Life has so much to do. I'm like a dumb dodo.  

She wrote a letter to herself and the contents Amazed me. Such determination and dedication. And between those repeated references to sleep deprivation and Coffee drinking, I saw a Genius. 
Who got there by LUCK.Freaking true, She accepts it herself.

  • Awesome marks all the time (She says she sleeps through most of them though)
  • Admission to TheGreatestCollegeOfAllTimes( That has awarded "Nada" Honorary Degrees)
  • A chance to work at The Agency (I mean, the IAEA. Only the cool people call it The Agency, I have NO right to do so :P)
  • Tour almost all over Europe teaching High school kids physics. (In the sense, see the Beauty of Europe, while being funded by the aforesaid College)
  • Study Photography (A study of The History Of American Photography)
  • NEVER (Ever) runs out of luck
 I don't think I wasted anytime.I Made up for it anyway. And it was a really good read. My My.

I also realized that what I realized after getting red eyes is exactly what the people who Really Care about me have been telling me all my life.

Auf Wiedersehen

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Had  A Lovely dAY...........................

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Insanity called Life.

 Holding hands despite the storm,
For the Bliss that's against the norm.
Here I am! And what do I want to say?

It's been different for the last several weeks on innumerable aspects.... And I have no complaints to be honest.
I'm sure it's all for the Best!
Mid Term over.
Ajji went. :|
I Spoke to Pinki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( Yeah Yeah, She was bored I bet, But i was happy like never before...:P)
I went to Christ School( Quiz:Third)
Speaking about that competition, you know 'twas fun,really... And It rained!!! Weeeee!!!! I did have a good time, I won't deny that. *Grins like a Cheshire Cat* 

And Yes, I called up to wish on Diwali.... Unfortunately due to sudden arrival of certain people, conversation could not proceed as desired... Still, SFCBR..... Paah, Papa Knows. Like I care.
And Yesterday, I actually dozed off at 6 due to Stress and Exhaustion...(Uhm, Yes, Its true..)

School Day coming up... Me going for sure. Not for the programmes (Duh!) And what else? I like Modern Family, but I freakin'  miss Bones!

Another Important thing is that we're all( Dad and I) pretty concerned about where I'm going after tenth. And to my Astonishment, what I dreaded to tell, was what Daddie suggested! Yipeeeeeee.. Who knows?

Sitting with Computer Pj. %^$%&^%*^&* Virus came and attacked my database. %^$%&^%*^&*....
Keep guessing what those words are! So I need to do 'em all over again( The DataBase IS a loss.:( )

Recent Developments have left me stunned and I am "Kim-Karthavya-Vimoodaha". Speaking in Sansk, She's coming today.:|

I sat and cried last night.. (Lolzzz I was listening to Paas Aaya Kyu and Some Other Song.... Ya Ya I'm MAD)

So long.
I don't know when though.
I wish I were In Conoor like Nidhi. Grrrr.....

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I had to write this!!!
I spoke to someone after such a long time. Lovely. I want to remember this. I can't believe I was SO dumb. Yet I can't believe I did it.
I guess good things happen when you least expect them too.
I want this moment to last forever. 
Tee Hee! :P

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Long Time No See.

Not Really na?
I always blog about myself so let me try typing some other shit! But the Me Part First (Ever Egoistic Me!!! Haha)
Bio Over Today.
How Did I do?
How Much Will I get?
Pah. I Dunno.
Decided to Reduce FB time. I mean It's time to do something productive. Isn't it?

The Common Wealth Games

I don't know the details.
I don't know the facts to distort them.
But I know this much-it's just SO Sad!!!!
I thought this would be a grand success. But new if the Games just happens without any hiccups, I guess that should be good.
It feels Bad and now our Pride (It should have been) has disgraced us. 


I think people are just not serious about this. The point is the Earth can't provide for so many people. Am I exaggerating? I don't think so. Can we find another planet elsewhere? How long can we stay cramped like this? I can imagine a day where people are fighting for space and survival. I hope that never materializes though. And the answer is not just cutting down more trees for houses. What about a city atop a city? Or a an underground one? Again I must say we'll be destroying Nature.

4th October 2010
2 more papers to go and one day left... So what's up with the world when I'm having exams?
Nothing much except that:
I got to know about the Rouvanjit Rawla suicide and was greatly moved.
CWG finally begins and I could'nt be happier at the wonderful start that it got.
We may go to the museum next Monday.
I haven't written my papers neatly.
UG story over. SJ will follow soon. I'm happy. Next it's DP's friend I want!
Boca Raton! (No more,never fear.Your secret is safe)
Buddi ka Bday! (Duks came and so did Nidhi, and I blabbed more than I had to to that 13 year old)
Lol XD is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( Haha, I think this is just awesome!)
NO MOBILE FOR THE NEXT SIX MONTHS!! How could I forget? I'll miss textin Duks, BN, Pinks and Lol XD! (Ok, I'll stop.. :D)
Todsee Sanskrit got over and I don't know what to say!
Btw I'm Addicted to Snake Xenzia! haha :P
And tomorrow is English Language and Computer and this is how I'm going to "study" for it.
I wanted to blog about this since a long time. I know I can't do complete justice to it but I want to try atleast.

The Wheel Of Life.

It all began 5 years ago in a dingy room. A plumpy man with a bushy beard put a seal and shoved me into a leather suitcase. I saw no light for several weeks. One day finally, I saw the Light of the day but it was immediately obscured by a tall man whose eyes gleamed hungrily at the sight of the suitcase. I was young and naive then, and knew nothing about man's moods. He shut the suitcase with a crisp 'Click' and grabbed the suitcase. Soon, my friends got out of the suitcase into the world, I knew not where they went and what became of them, but I too was eager to escape the stiffling confines of my dungeon.

One day, a woman picked me up and placed me in her bag. Of course, the contents of a woman's Bag are too many to talk about but I'll say that I had a great time observing the other occupants of the Dolce and Gabbana.Although she was rich, she was not a spendthrift since her eyes had a wistful look each time she parted with her money.Very soon, I was in the scented hands of a hairdresser who did not care much about me. To my astonishment, there was a gusty wind as a customer opened the door and I was lifted gently and moved away while she didn't bother to pick me up until she was told to do so, which she did grudgingly. And yes, this was a stinking rich lady with a wonderful house and all the luxuries. I knew I wouldn't last long in her hands but I was surprised how I missed it every time.

There was a traffic jam and the air was filled with soot and smoke. A dirty scented wafted across and before I knew it I was in rough and worn out hands. The eyes were moist and filled with gratitude. The warmth in his hands was something I will never forget. Neither of us wanted to part. He knew my Value and I knew that hew knew it and I was impressed. Months later I went to a young girl who didn't really care about me. She dropped me on the street and 3 children began fighting over me. I was badly injured and took many weeks to recover. And it was then that I visited a shop. But before I could see how it was I was given to an old man......

And today my story is complete.Because after this long journey from hand to hand, each treating me in a different way, each giving me a different identity, while I have been a 50 Rupee Note all this while. Today I was back in Mr.Hungry Eye's hands. Of course he didn't know..He will never know. And that makes all the difference in the world. A full cycle.......


And there goes... I loved the topic I thought of, but I know I can make it better.:|

Until then, Lol XD (Gosh! I must stop!!!! Haha SFCBR is the new name!)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dissapointment is an Understatement.

The morning was tense so I had a sleepless night pondering the possibilities. Then I decided to be confident.And I came to school pretty early too( 600k-15Rs. Omg!). Then started panicking. Vikas came late but had prepared. Then PCT(Purna Chandra Tejaswi) turned up and Aditya Iyengar said he had prepared. Rajath was my fear. And so was Nikhil Puranik since his mom had written a quiz book for him.(What?). So well, Morning session , MadAds was totally Awesome! Then the other shows was kayish. Played Handcricket like a losa. Lol. And finished Manorama.
Lunch could'nt eat much. As for the others, there was a lot of tension. So after everybody wished us luck, we went. After a dance by Soujanya (Oh That Girl na.....), we went on stage and it started.
The questions were not that easy but progressively we found it so. Some of the questions showed the effort Chandana Ma'm had put into preparing this. Soon we edged over Blue but the dragon way ahead of us was YELLOW. Ok I can't continue any further.
Yellow House won the Inquizition Trophy. Green got 2nd for the 5th time running.
Opportunity Lost.

Paah..... I was so freakin upset, I just could'nt wait to get outta the stage. And I cried. Lo. Sad. I could never lift that Cup. :(
It's best I stop, coz I'm in such a depressed mood, despite having a great time with so many people after skul and landing at home at 5:45. Lol! Great Time! But Can't forget!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What's the Capital of...... Who invented....... Connect Wimbledon Centre court and Rudyard Kipling...... Hold ON.

Because this is getting seriously dangerous. And we need to win this cup. So that's the only thing on my mind at the moment.But it so happens that my brain is attracting tidbits of other unwanted information also. I hat all this politics. Honestly, I don't care a damn about who is all over whom. And another thing is the fact that one should back up one's friends even when they do something wrong. That's true friendship. Or else they're just acquaintances. Ans what's going on is simply pathetic. People have so many different faces and I can see them being exposed now. Chuck that, Mom, Dad , Dee and Aj went to S.Gam for Puja.Me at Vasanthnagar , Ate @ Mint Masala, Watched George of the Jungle, and well....... People developed a totally diff opinion of me.Lol.
 And there's this Group Discussion where we are being spoon fed tot he point of throwing up in disgust and lack of freedom. And the Questions are being censored as well.What rot.
There's a great demand for the quiz book I git with Duckie's Lib Card and I gave it to Vikas. So then, I hope to show that this time Green will make a comeback. But I Know tis gonna tough.

Then what else? I've developed the sttrnage urge to watch Peepli [Live] and Aisha. No good Reason to though. And next 3 days no lessons at school. :) So then got our Mid term Timetable. Can look into it only after quiz. GD is going to be a show of the Pampered Prized Pooches. Whateva.

Buh-Bai then.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Presidency Quiz

More later.. But for the moment,
I went for a quiz at St.John's Auditorium by The Presidency Group and conducted by Pickbrain with 19 boys... Lol much? This is just the beginning... Shanta's a woman. Forgetting the genders for a second (Whaaaaat?) the quiz was good. MLK prepared at least. And I spent entire evening preparing yesterday. Oh I came back early nenne becoz well, I wasn't well enough. So then I had loads of fun today though I think I was rather quiet. Things went better than I had expected.
I saw:
Ashwini Nachappa (Shetty got her autograph)!
Giri Balasubramanium!

And of course I saw Athith and Shubham. I prayed for their failure. but Ahhh, They got the rolling trophy for the 3rd time.......

And why Exactly is Anyone interested in the color of the rubberband of my ponies which happen to be pink and blue irrespectively??????? Point to Ponder.

And now for Sanskrit. And Chemistry. And EVE case Study. And well, my routine......

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bharat Mata Ki Jai!

And it's over!!! Twas so quick I didn't  get the feeling "Oh my god, when is this going to end!".
Here's the Look.

And I found a new friend. I don't wish to name the person. But. Forget it. Ohh well, I have other things on my mind at the moment to ponder on. And UG, well I'm having doubts about the role model thang. I'm back in Banashankari and love it! Biddi is "All well" but has recurring fever. Yesterday after school I came back and strutted in a saree (Yes, yuck). Today was pleasantly better. All thanks to Mom.
And what about I-Day?
I dislike people selling badges and other things in the name of Independence Day. Including the one sitting in our I-10.Because well, you don't show ur patriotism with dat stuff. Ur actions do. If we stop running down on our country ,that's a far better thing. And Oh, we had another photo session and then went to "Mane thindi". I was cashless so I had lovely pastry from Cake O The Day with Sumana's cash. We saw some other people of our school. And then Syko and I ran for the bus like our pants were on fire! And now shez in Mantri Square.
I think I lost my good mood after what I saw. Goddess. Too Late. Forget It. I cannot help the vagueness because well I don't want to make things absolutely clear. Things better remain as they are. Oh well.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Candid Confessions.

I need to tell the truth somewhere, to someone. Because I can't keep things bottled up anymore. What do I call it? Not addiction. I left that darn Facebook also. This isn't the first time. I spent the whole day doing nonsense (Ahh, Not Crap) and then I wallow in guilt and despair which never seems to end.All this after a truly BAD performance in Bio yesterday. And I know I'm the girl who talks of Distant Dreams. I just Can't get myself to do something. It's pathetic. I have Base and Moozic to feel guilty about too, Mind you. And I don't wanna go down on my grades but at this freaky rate...... Again another of my defects: Give Up Easily. Pfft.

Well this has GOT TO END. And I need to take immediate action(I.e after this blog). And Daddy shocked me yday by saying if I continue such a patchy performance.No more quizzes. Eeep.. I can't say they're being to strict you know. I think I deserve it. And I'm reading Chicken Soup for The Teenage Soul way more than I need to. Or it ought to be.

On the brighter side... Tomorrow is Rachana's Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaay!!!
So I did a card and got her a gift too..Since I couldn't complete my artwork. :(  
Looking Back, I've had SO mUCH Fun with this girl for the last 10 years. I know 1 decade. And It has lasted. 10 summers ago I met her at a park and I know I'll never lose my girl... 
Like I said In my card , I still don't understand how she bore with me.. Acoording to me I can have mad moods, sad silences and can crack the silliest pjs and so on....... But She never made me think that way.. In most of our fights, I would be at fault and yet she would be the one to patch up. She's the patient one , me? the haughty , short tempered impulsive one..
We've had fun in Class, when the teacher was there' not there, During lunch break, sharing our lunch, After school in the auto stand, at each others houses( I remember the Binocular thing at her place and our career discussion in the park near my house), during Guide Camps( The Python Scare Lol!), During school trips( remember that Lady Rambo? And the pool fun I had?), the science models we made, the charts we did for the class, the school day dances, the talents day programs, the Interschool competitions(Horlicks-Camera-U-Fever-Me-Fun-Bus stand rot-Dads came-Confusion-LOL!!!!!), And I could go on and on.....
U kept me balanced and didn't let me go overboard or overexcited or anything.... We're not exactly like 2 peas... We are way different in our choices and opinions at times, but yet that doesn't matter.....
Rachana If you ever read my blog, this is testimony to our Friendship. And I don't want our journey to end. I want to go on and on.. Until I've reached That Destination which I never want to.
                           This is what I intend to gift her tomorrow at Base.

So yeah, On the whole there's been good and bad...
I never told you about WizKids did I? One lovely day! Of courseMLK din know anything, so while I sat questioning why exactly did he have golden hair( He: To hide my white hair.I've bin doing it for the last 2 years. Dint you notice? Me: I have better things to do than stare at your hair). He claims to have a lot of Influence over people(Me: Some people will never be influenced. I'm one of them. He: Good For You.) Went and clicked some photos in Vijay's camera. Anusha took Mani and my photo but sadly all her photos were mysteriously lost. Then what else? As usual , saw a lotta people from across the city..
Sometimes I'm surprised I remember faces so well. Why couldn't I remember how the Root Hair Diagram looked? Then I was a bit upset during the Bus ride back because of Magnet's powers and also that Whistle's Woman( She calls herself a Yellow House leader) 's constant screeches. And what totally irritated me was Vijay asking me if we had fun and when when we said yes like "But you were so quiet..."... Mood Off..
So then I love Mommy and Daddy and I'm thinking of them a lot right now because what I did today(i.e Nothing) made me feel like a cheat ( Like Bobby was told by Miss Grayling in Enid Blyton's St. Clare's). An then we both went home with our Dad's coming almost simultaneously. Dad and Mom have done so much for me... And what I'm doing in Lupin's words is a "Poor Repayment".

Monday, July 19, 2010

Will it work again? Who knows...

Hello again.... Umm yesterday I read a really nice blog by some girl called Nikitha Samanthara or something.. And well I Repeat that yesterday's discussion made me infinitely happy.
Well, I was cleaning this garbage bin called "my room", when I became totally dejected with myself... I mean I have SO many opportunities and I should make the best of it. I hope that  I'll never regret the way I spent my teenage years in future. I told Mani and Dee about my plan..
This computer teacher never gets bored of my antics and that surprises me. I accept I go all lame and foolish and yet she kinda doesn't mind... Whoa..
And that reminds me of that Magnet.And of the Talk that I had today. Whatever.
I love my new hairdo because I can do it myself..
Last time I did Pretty Bad in Math (I had to sadly tell ma'm that she had given me  four precious marks by mistake. :( But I did'nt regret it I think.)
Then what else? 3G model selected. Gd sessions going on... Gb? Ahh, what can I say? :D
And I read an article in DH about radioactive emissions from these connectivity towers.Shocking na? That's because India doesn't have any law or panel to look at these seemingly minor issues.

Well and seriously only 20 people were present today..Majority absent.So tommy is a holiday because they realized fewer people will come tomorrow and that will be Shame.
I think I agree with Dad. I need to change. It's essential.I know where I stand and I admit it's not where I want to be stuck. And I won't care about any "Bloody Nerdy Shit"..(Yes, sometimes I lose my patience and use them mentally). We are what we are. And what Mani did is no "Sin" like what Rajath RD thinks. Hmmm.... I wanna forget that lame issue which reminds of how lame people can get.

Top Story: Of course my DD!!!!! Can anything get bigger than that?
Person I'm thinking of at the moment: Anbu!!! She needs me more and so do I. But I need my textbooks too...


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Distant dreams...

Well I thought I'll blog about how many strange women I've met in my life and their stranger stories.
This time I'm having a dream. One I want to achieve . And i'm prepared to work for it. And i've taken the first step towards it.
ISC and then a degree in a foreign University.
I can do it. I know. But it's an expensive dream. 

Friday, June 18, 2010


Ey, it has been just too long...
Fine so well my class is undergoing a revolution of some kind.I don't know whether for the better or worse.
I'm not studying enough.I love Badminton.Some people are weird.I miss Achala.

Biddi booming with a boy cut.So many things going on.I think it's time for "The Rebirth Of Seriousness".Well school's nice and we have good fun.I come back home totally tired and rarely do anything productive. Facebook is getting irritatingly addictive.I've projects too to do. Base exam day after tommy.And that reminds me, I need to GO.

hEY! I do love writing stuff here only I can't coz I'm busy...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Board Not Bored exams this year.........

Hullo! Long time no see...
Really, I have so much to write about too...
Watching "You belong with me" for no reason...
School started and yeah I went to Sirsi etc and made a nice album of it too..Twas  a nice experience. Rural India is unspoilt and less crowded.Goks Beach was loveley and Yana was a wonderful sight. The Sonda mutt had a tranquil atmosphere which I had never felt anywhere before.And it was fun with Jyothi and Pooja.Not to forget Sigandur , Honnemardu or Marikamba temple.
Yes, I did miss that leadership program and that's why I'm going tomorrow. 
8 Days since school started and what should I say??
Sunday was Nidhi's Bday and I saw Twilight on Saturday!
He's not hot and she's not cute but together they make Twilight a lovely movie.
And Shrek was not bad either.Had 3 Ice creams! So that day was good except for the fact that I knew there would work PILED up..
Wrote and essay for C mam about "What I was supposed to do and what I ended up doing in the hols and why?" . I rather liked writing it.
School's as usual feeling diff that's all. Sanskrit new teacher. Oh, I got my papers too. What can I say? 8.5% depreciation.But 6% improvement in Sanskrit! Order now: S Me D. Last time: D Me S. I'm balanced.
So then Yesterday spoke to C mam and she gave Valuable tips.Try to follow them too.Started as a matter of fact. FB once a week. Lot of things to remember actually.

Me: I chatted with Samy the other day.
Nidhi: Samy who?
Me: Samaneh Jawad, Don't you know?
Nidhi: God! Why are you so into her?
Me: Really, I'm not.......!
Nidhi: Shut up!

I play better when you're not around and I'm calmer too. So don't come. - Me.( To myself. I wish I could tell it to the concerned person though.)

Your Love is my Drug - Ke$ha

I don't care what people say
The rush is worth the price I pay
I get so high when you're with me
But crash and crave you when you are away

So I got a question;
Do you want to have a summer party in my basement?
Do I make your heart beat like a native drum?
Is my love, your drug?
(huh) Your drug? (huh) your drug? (huh) your drug?
Is my love, your drug?

Relatives are a necessary Evil- C mam

I listen to English songs -Deepthi

R u an American? - Me (.Foolishness.)

Have you become thin, girl?- Computer Teacher ( No names exist for her. Only "Boy" and "Girl")

Haha- Samaneh Jawad ( That's mostly all that she said throughout that chat)

SO!- Anagha Aravind , Urja Tibrewal and Achala Keshava ( I never get it.)

Tommy's the leadership thingy and I'm rather nervous. The Pursuit Of Happiness seems like a real good movie. I should see it fully sometime.
Books I read in the hols:
Good Wives-Louisa May Alcott
Around the world in 80 days-Jules Verne
The 3 musketeers-Alexander Dumas
Pollyanna grows up
Upper fourth at Malory Towers-Enid Blyton
Drunken Forest-Gerald Durrell
A lotta chicken soup for my kinda soul
Harry Potter series for the Nth time...
And now reading Jungle Book.

10th then. So pretty hectic eh? I do wanna do well in my Boards.But I think it is cruel that a teacher who says she is "way ahead" of other classes takes our only PT period just to circulate a tuning fork thrice.Not.Very.Nice.

There was an Air crash recently and several innocent citizens were killed.Several families were devastated. Several dreams were shattered. Several lives changed forever. But only a few survived.

And now there's that IDIOTIC plan to make Lalbagh into a commercial money-making amusement park.OUTRAGEOUS.Why do these officials come up with such hideous ideas?
If there is a protest I WILL go to express my rage at the foolishness of the idea. I maybe a schoolgirl but I'm sick and tired of hearing "Man is the culprit" and "Humans are responsible." so I think it's about time we DO something instead of pretending that another species has caused this.

11.20! Good gracious, how time flies.. Pokerface is strange but just like it's singer .Bad Romance Stinks.Anbu fine. Down with a cold. I wish I spent more time with her. She's an adorable child.

Yawn... Are you happy? You better be.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's Late. My Fate.

Hols! Really  this time it's bin different... At vasanthnagar...And now back in Banashankari....
Badminton's really nice. Sweating it out like never before.. Love my Corby and Done with Base. Starting Cycling from Tommy.

I should start School Work too... Monday I think...I have time till 20th after that, No Looking Back...
 Bit confused at the moment.. I should ask which standard atleast! Gonna muster enough courage to do so on Monday... Whenever I think of doing so, I invariably walk past with a glance which is returned with interest.
But I got o Baddie to play and do only that. I like the game too. Making new friends... and meeting new people. 
Sorry. More when there's more.

10th May

well m'going outta town in a few days for a few days.Can't wait for tommy.
Dad: "Are rumours that you're  not studying Baseless?"
Me: " Not until Base got over." :-)
Well I completely agree that I haven't been academically productive this hols... But from 20th I've nothing else to do but just that.. Badminton's fun.. I'm seeing real good players..*-*
Yesterday was Deep's Bday..Wished her.. Spoke to Sumana..
Then GOTTO reduce fb time and blog instead.. God, I'm SO happy Samy liked my blog! Getting crazier dreams by the minute...

Well I WILL do it today...I hope so at least.. But actually I don't want to know the truth. Because I fear the worst...TDH.

Lolzzz..  That's enough for you!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


                                                                                                  I'll Wait.

                                           Sometimes I'm confused
                                               Whether what I'm doing is right.
                                      Sometimes I wish those dreams'd come true.
                                            Sometimes I wanna do what I want
                                           Sometimes I don't know what I want.

                                                 Is it wrong? Is it right?
                                            I don't care.Or Maybe I do.
                                    Sometimes I want to share my thoughts.
                                         Sometimes I realize it ain't for me.

                                 Sometimes I wish I could be who I want to be.
                                          Sometimes I think maybe this is me.
                                                    I can't be like that girl.
                              That imaginary girl who has all that I'd ever want.
                                                    I'm like this.Not like her.

                                        But one day, I'll wait for that glorious day.
                                                    I know I shall do it.
                                            And everything will be O.K.
                                           N everyone will be OK with it.
                                                Coz it's my life after all.
                                               Not Today.But Someday.
                                               Maybe Long.But I'll wait.

That Day.

The wind tickled my face.
And Nature celebrated the occasion.
Happy about Nothing.
And quiet smiles to myself.

I knew it. I don't know more.
This was it.
It couldn't be true.
Tickled Pink.

You Know it's true,
when you feel it.
You just can't help,
but bask in it.

Maybe tis the end.
I've had enough.
I spose it ain't for me.
Then there's my goodbye.Known to only me........


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Troubled Times...

Where Do I begin???
I spose at the very beginning...The Last few days have been trying and tough for everyone in the family.
Thursday my tests got over and I was ecstatic. Friday was AWESOME coz we had our case study( though it was hardly worth it's name).It was great fun and we took loads o snaps. (Course some ppl did not like that a lot.But I did'nt want to waste my Precious Day for that).
So that day I stayed up till 1.40 AM sending mails and all..N afta dat Mom n I went to Mantri Square in Malleshwaram. 
I think avoid the place unless you're blessed with unlimited energy and can tolerate crowds.I took my own sweet time for my shopping ( sportswear for B'minton  and cute tees 4 Base) and finally after a few arguments I was Done with my stuff.
The place was kinda too huge according ta me.Forum is good coz it's not too big nor is it small and congested.This one was Humongous.So after all the shopping , it was back home and I was up on the Net uploading the pics and other stuff.

Next day was A Girl's Day Out coz Akshatha, Dhruthi, Deepthi, Sumana, Neha, Vidhathri , Anusha and me all had a BLAST!!!
First I was at MM at 10.00 AM sharp  while everybody else slowly came.Sumana and Deepthi came at 10:40 along with excuses ready. :|
So we got into the bus and Akshatha joined us at Jayanagar.(And Never took a ticket.)Then we got down at 4th Block and ambled and strolled around aimlessly as if we had no responsibility or cares.( For a Change.)
We had some food at Cool Joint and dropped iceblocks in Cane-O-La.Clicked mad snaps on the way and I was busy hiding from a Nosey Aunt.Picked up some thing for my sis.Walked hand-in-hand with Deepthi.Remembered Rachana.Went to a park and had a nice Photo Session.(Some lame guys were interested in getting featured in our pix.Nothing was going to spoil Our Day.).Clicked away as if we were never going to see each other again.

Then we parted and we had Yelneeru.Walked a Real Long Distance and finally reached a topless bus stop.Scorched our butts on the seats and nearly died of thirst.
Got into a crowded bus whose passengers never decreased but steadily increased.Neha and I suffered from Acute Asphyxiation.Got back home at 3.00  PM dripped in dirt and covered with sweat but with  a look that I had had the time of my life which pleased my parents.

Then we left for our Ajji Mane and reached US( Ultra Slow thanks to:..............).Nidhi and Mama were getting ready to go to the match( Pavillion tickets.).
Thatha was happy to see me and said " Are you new to the family?, your  visits have become rare" in English.
Then I was requested to stay back while Mom n others went to the dentist.I wasn't happy but I agreed.
Later there was a change of plan and Ma agreed to take me along.Thatha said something about "old man", "longs for company", "rarely any visitors" and was also extremely angry about something I don't wish to disclose.
We left and I spent time with Atthe .It was a long time since I had spoken to her openly and it led to the Same Topic.Then  we had dinner at her Mom's place and reached Ajji Mane at 9 PM.
We saw him hobbling in the compound with a tired look.Ma was touched and requested me to speak to him kindly.
He was angry about us not spending time with him.  He was particularly angry with ......
He petted Anbu and lifted her up and pampered her.He gave me a glass of milk saying I should drink it If I cared for him.He spoke to Dr. Ajay Singh and said it might be possible that he will forget him.They spoke for a while and then we left after he gave Lokesh a Ravalgon and said "Bye " to each and every one of us.If Only I Had Known It was GoodBye that he said....................

Next morning we were supposed to leave for Mysore for a short trip and I slept after a bit of FB.Morning my mood was spoilt when MaguAjji woke me up at 5.When I was brushing my teeth Ma banged on the door and said Thatha had had a Heart Attack.I stared.I didn't know what to say.She left in a few minutes and I sat dumbstruck.Then MaguAjji dropped the bombshell.
He had died.

Only then din tell Ma coz she wouldn't be able to take it.He had died around 3 AM.I was too shocked to speak and I locked myself in my room.I felt myself in tears and let it all come out but there was nothing.Death. why did it have to come to him?
Heart Attack.But he wasn't a heart patient.He had loved me a lot.Had I loved him the same? Truth is bitter.
I was undergoing indescribable emotions and sat on the couch thinking of the memories.
Then we got a call.Ma. She had got to know.She had cared for him.And I will liberally add "the most".I couldn't say much.I just heard her.

Then I shut out my memories and went on FB. I don't know why I did it but I did.I saw the pix and uploaded them and all that stuff.Then we left for Vasanthnagar.During the journey I was filled with trepidation .I did not know whether I could take what I would be seeing.
We arrived.I got out  and rushed and saw the doors open and there he was.draped in garlands.Something he had never received in his lifetime.With a serene look that he never had when he was alive.
The rest of the day was emotionally taxing and I did FB  to destress myself.The rites where too much for me to see but I had to and also had to console my distraught Mom and Gran.Many were in tears and most were on the verge of it.And then it was all over.

Yesterday there was Base and I went.The Photo appeared in DH and TOI and we began to get non-stop calls from Bank colleagues , Family friends and a lot more people.Syko got to know too.
Base was nice but crowded and there were too many boys and I did NOT like that...

Tday was ok.Reading Good Wives.Set in 19th century America it's about a family of 4 girls and is interesting.Innocent and delicate, Alcott has left an indelible mark on me.

I still don't know why I haven't cried.Is my heart made of stone? I imagine him sitting beside me and reading this and that scares me.I often look around as if trying to find him in the skies or just as a translucent image.I'm rather scared to go to his room or see his walking stick, his watch , glasses and other things.

I wish I had spent more time with him.He used to tell me of his desire to live to see his grandchildren settled and happy.I wish I had spoken to him properly over the phone when he used to call, longing to hear my voice.I wish had come here more often instead of just pretending to study at home.I wish I had returned at least a fraction of the love that he loaded me with.I wish I had sung all the songs he had wanted me to.Now no one will ask to hear my voice again.

I was blaming myself for all this when Dad and I had a talk and I felt better.I'm convinced though that he was upset with us when he died and .....

I hoped tomorrow will be a better day and he will always remain in my mind.He wanted me to be a successful person and that I will do.
I believe even if nobody does that he can see us from the skies.Maybe he will be happy there after his years of suffering here.Dad agrees that all of us have something to  feel guilty about and that all of us  never understood him.Ma was the only one.

I want to compose a poem in his memory and will put it up as soon as it's done...
I guess you've got to be careful with what you say because ....Well, ppl take it differently and I hope never to hurt anyone anymore...
I think I need to improve as a person and treat others better.Gran's there and I'll do all I can for her.

Now , got other stuff to do.....


Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well Internet’s out for a while and I’m feelin bit bored…
Amazin technology really…There was an iron speck in my eye so the ophthalmologist put a needle into my eye and removed it!!
So I spose that was the reason for watery eyes….Went to Sapna yesterday..I wanted to buy S’s Secret ( Shobhaa De`)..But Dad said no. Looks like he has a poor opinion of her.  Hmmm.
I can listen to ‘Paas Aya Kyon’ a hundred times without knowing the meaning n yet like it all the same.
I think I should study Sanskrit NOW.
I’ll save this wid a pass and so that later I can copy it into my blog.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

K...I'll Chill.. But maths is on thursday ...

                                                 Where are those days????

Seriously crappy mood...Thanks again but Implementation ain't gonna b easy!!Am I addicted 2 self photography??Dunno...I'll put some of em up here....Happy to see Samaneh's blog...I am crazy (Known fact..)

Be back soon..or not....I wonder If people r reading ma blog..:) *wink*( No vidha3, Not @ Syko!!) 

Yeah So back again...It was raining and Biddi had a gala time(First experience of rain!).Todsee oni 12 were present n that includes DA and SS and others..TS was absent an so was MLK(after all I'm talking about the Zealous Skolar).Codenames totally Rock!! Privacy Guaranteed..
Um..weekend was Sad...I SO badly wanted to go to Sapna(da new huge 1) and I thought lemme study a few things and then go..So I kinda worked (Who am I kiddin? Real Work) ovur da weekend.And trust me to have unachievable expectations..So yeah the whole thingy went 'Kaput'.And Dad was upset "too" coz he offered that he'll take me there even if I'm not done with my studying but I blandly refused only to repent later..Course we went PV for Dinner (But I din have my "Vanilla wid Hot Chocolate Sauce and Nuts" [Hey but Ma got me one yesterday { Bet Dad isn't aware ov it}])..Yeah and Dinner had it's obvious Weekend Side Effects ( The Usual and Stressful).

Ts has a prog tommy.Wonder how she's gonna manage it..But after all she'll pull off a fast one since she's Brainy( Unlike me who has to swot for HOURS to understand Panini's innumerable and Ununderstandable rules of SANSKRIT...It's true..I spend most ov my time on this subject..)
K I've gotto quit comparisons..I am what I am and Like People tell me, I should "Never compare Myself to anyone; rather Introspect" .

Is what I'm thinking really happening? I should wait and watch.Interesting though.I'm refering to 2 things .Both are mentioned in this post..

So Thursday's Maths.This is part of my plan to Stay Calm.I hope blogging makes things clearer to me.I want to do well this time.I'm not aiming at beating anyone, just wanna improve myself which has always bin ma target.(Doesn't mean I've always achieved it).So All I pray is that Lemme get how much I deserve.If My preps are good,I hope I get good marks and If they're not: Well..Erm...Wotevur..

Today was good fun..Why am I the target of all jokes? Oh well, I spose I ask for it with all my crazy talk..I like it though! Like Pa says, A good sport can take a joke bout themselves...Easy for you to say Dad with all those Election Jokes And Winks and Hearing Problems.. ..

When I say where are those days..I mean the Obvious. I love seeing all those Kodai fotos..Though I have bin told the ever-Irritating dialogue of " Life is not Kodaikanal" several times. Blogging kinda helps to understand myself better I guess..Yeah I'm da type to prefer a job as tour guide to a Desk one..But that's me! and I like being myself.So what if everyone has the same opinion(Humph! copycats.) I stand out and I like dat..

Hols I wanna join some camp and I have C ma'm's insistence to support me.HEY!! I saw JB a few days ago...N I did'nt say anything...I can't believe I'm the same girl who wrote "SHIT I missed JB!!!!" in her diary about a year and a half ago..Things change. I guess I've grown up.I have a feeling JB 'z younger by a year( EEP!! that's embarrassment!! Pinki told me- 'lo? who can believe her though)
Yeah I'm still surprised about the JB. Once upon a time I was like crazy to get a glimpse.Now I just walk past without as much as a glance at the Red Faced Red Tee friend of .....whom Pinki treats like a Bro. OMG! I wrote a letter to Pinki once and she was all about Jb searching an all such foolish Imaginations....

Yeah that's what it is..Me and my foolish Imaginations. That'll never come true. That'll RND as dreams. As unfulfilled desires .That I have given up for the sake of someone else's happiness.They'll remain in my heart and in my diary ( which still exists Folks!- Na I din Chuck it like what 3 people think)

IPL is on and I haven't seen one ONE  match completely .N mah totally understanding friends accuse me of Nerdiness.Thanks , Thanks a Lot.And Dad telling me to Chill and .........

I wish I could understand the meaning of the lovely songs I'm listening to..(What a shame! I never really understood Hindi).But Some songs ...I do know..and will never forget~(PNM and YIH!!!!!:)..Foreva!!)

And now feeling kinda sleepy..Shall I do some Math?? Or some Bio...No I'll Blog a bit more!

Some people were my friends and they'll foreva remain in my memory...
  • Archana : My first friend. A year older. With a bro called (Oh well I'd rather not    mention it!). Cute girl. Chinmaya Vidyalaya. Now nothin else.                                    ~Will not forget the lazy afternoons~
  • Navyashree: BSK 2nd Stage. Year Older. Has a sister:Komal or Sumal.Kumarans.Nice girl.                                                                                                                 ~Will forget neither the prank calls nor the foolish clubs or that lovely pic~
  • Rachana( Karate) : Ballur Venkobra Rachana. Nice Ikon. Year Older. Sudarshan Vidya Mandir.Has  a bro. Kind and forgiving.                                                                     ~ Will not forget my rudeness or the Lalbagh trip.~
Yeah So Mah time's up and it' s fair enough...
Dunno when I'll be back.
Say 8th April?

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I can't think of anything else...I rarely use cuss words but now My mind is FULL of them..
So many things to do and So little time..heard it somewhere...

Right I forgot to tell u  that I saw MNIK.. I liked SRK for once (an perhaphs the last time..)
Then wot else? Going Insane..Several reasons..Need to look up a cure 4 Infant Withdrawl Symptoms..

Why isn't Dad here when I need him the most???Baroda..Dammit no connection 2..Sent a mail..Doubt he'll check it..Ajji-swap-Vidya-swap-Lavanya-swap-U..How many more???

I should stop reading Harry Potter for the 100th time!!!Killing my conscience...

How much more should I endure???There is a limit..Too many opinions..Just leave me alone..I don wanna take sides...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A lesson for life..

Ok!! first I should get outta fb...Second I'll not do wot I did yesterday...Never again...

3rd and MOST important...Chandana ma'm taught me a great lesson today:To Love. With and Open Mind. Just Love.

I have to record it..S o ma'm first asked me to do what she says and asked me tell her what was in my heart..
Initially I felt strange and shy but it was for long...I was telling her what it was about and how I felt..She understood and I knew I from fer unwandering eyes.Yes I am lucky I have people who love my unconditionally .Who accept me the way I am. But ...

Right , so we spoke for more than half and hour .Mam shared her own problem which I cannot share.Rite so we've got a problem and I should accept it and live with it.Love people with all their faults..They never asked for it.Look at the brighter side. Help them come out of it.Don't make them feel guilty, and just love them .
Don't use your brain too much..Use your heart and don't be judgemental.She's giving her hand forward, accept it.Don't cut yourself away from them.Spend time with everybody.Years later you will look back and be happy.Don't kill your emotions.Your sister looks upto you.

Mam thank you very much..I mean IT.I'll try my best to improve as a person..

I feel a LOT better..Dear Heart: Start working!! It's bin a long time since you did more than beating!!

Ok here's a poem about myself..I know it's madness!!

Composed at 8.30 on a busy day....
K gtg!!!